Sample questions that can be answered using this book

We hope that this free ebook will be helpful for faculty development and other professional development.  We have used this book for live virtual trainings, asynchronous training activities, and for one-on-one support via sharing links in meeting chat or via email.  

Sample question: There’s so much happening in the news right now. Should I address this with my class?  If yes, do you have any guidance about how to do this?

We have found that students appreciate it when instructors check in with them about how current events are impacting them. At the same time, instructors may be worried about logistics such as how much class time this will take, how to keep track of the many local current events to check in about when students are spread out geographically, and the tension between students who want to or don’t want to check in.  We recommend asking your students about this, and making the decision together with your students. 

Here are a couple examples of talking with students about whether and how to check in at the start of classes:

Sample question: As the semester ends, do you have any suggestions of activities for the last day of class?

On the last day of class, it’s helpful to set aside some time to wrap up the semester, help students reflect on their learning and how they can apply it in the future, and spend time saying goodbye to your classroom community. In a discipline such as social work, this is an opportunity to model the process of termination with clients. 

Here are three examples of last-class activities that can spark your thinking: